
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Holiday Season

We had a nice Christmas party last night at my dad's home, officially kicking off the holiday season. For me it will definitely be like no other holiday I have had. Could be great, could be sad. I am hoping for great. And I am hoping your holiday is great as well. May we all have a holiday season filled with Love, Laughter, and wonderment! We need more wonderment in our lives I think.

                                             "A sense of wonder can wonder the senses"

A goose never voted for an early Christmas. - Irish Saying

But I love Christmas early. I love the feel in the air, the songs we get to sing, the giggling children, and the sense of magic in the air. But don't eat the goose early!

                                                   "Trying to beat the holiday rush"

Now Go Out and Hug Someone Today


Linda W said...

I'm not Christian, but my kids and grandchildren are. I therefore like when Christmas comes around because it gives an excuse to have my kids together! We are having ours on Dec 15th. Merry Christmas to you Chip, and to your family!

Your Daly Hug said...

Thanks Linda. I don't feel you need to be a Christian to enjoy the Season. so, I am glad you enjoy it in your own way.