
Friday, February 27, 2015

Meditation or Medication

Image result for quotes about meditation
I certainly can be more skillful and graceful!!

A coworker made a joke yesterday, when I said "meditation" as a response, she said "or medication".  One letter separates the two words. So close, yet so different, yet so similar. To me, meditation is a form of medication. It is not always effective, but it certainly helps. I know medication is needed in a lot of situations. But I also know that sometimes all you need is meditation or a form of relaxation. Look for those other forms. And if you truly need medication, by all means use it appropriately.

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Hugging ourselves! I like that!
I try to meditate at times. Sometimes I do, and sometimes I don't really do. The point is to keep practicing! It is a skill that needs to be learned over time and for some of us (me especially) it takes longer to learn how to quiet the mind and let your soul truly speak to you! Give it a try!

                  Now Go Out and Hug Yourself Today!!!