
Sunday, September 10, 2023

For Fun's Sake... The Right to Play, Part 2. (Ash Perrin and The Flying Seagull Project)


This is a logo from The Flying Seagull Project. I LOVE IT! We should make coffee mugs with this saying, to remind adults about Fun!

Last week I wrote about my friend Guillaume and The Right to Play. Guillaume returned from Ukraine a couple of weeks ago, and now he is headed to Jordan to continue to enforce The Right to Play with refugees there. He had gone to Jordan in 2013 with a group called The Flying Seagull Project, which was started by Ash Perrin. (Edit correction: Guillaume just informed me, he was in Jordan in 2013 with Patch. He has done several trips with The Flying Seagull Project, just not what I had referred to. I apologize for the misinformation). Guillaume shared an article with me that was written by Ash, and that sent me down a little rabbit hole of sorts. A really fun rabbit hole I might had. Just another way Guillaume enforces The Right to Play... sending ME down fun rabbit holes! With Ash's permission, I am now going to share that article with you along with other videos and information from The Flying Seagull Project. I will be adding my thoughts as well, so I hope you enjoy this trip down my rabbit hole of fun.

Ash and friends performing for refugees in Jordan

Ash and his friends in The Flying Seagull Project work tirelessly to encourage, enforce, and invoke The Right to Play. In his article titled "Play and the art of playful communication" he brings up several important elements of play and some key components on how to utilize those elements. He starts with a simple, yet profound statement on play...

"Play is the indigenous language of the child, and it is the simplest language                                                                  there is!"

I agree wholeheartedly with these words. I will add that we all started as children, so play is also indigenous to adults as well. Adults have just complicated the language a bit with expectations and adult experiences. Some of lost the ability to speak the language, while others are just no fluent in it anymore due to lack of use. However, I believe every adult can re-learn the language of play or at least learn how to utilize play again with some education and the willingness to let go of inhibitions. I say we should do it for our kids' sake AND For Fun's Sake! I like how Ash has simplified it even further by saying...

"The most valuable thing you can ever offer a child is “you”: mistakes, doubts and clumsiness included."

That is what play does in the end. It allows you to offer yourself to a child or another human being for that matter, with mistakes, doubts and clumsiness included! Don't you agree? Well, I will let you read Ash's full article now. I would LOVE to hear your thoughts and what you might be doing to help encourage, enforce, and invoke The Right to Play with your kids, neighbors, and beyond!

The Flying Seagull Project performs anywhere kids are willing to show up.

Below is a link to a 2-minute video that tells what The Flying Seagull Project is all about. It has some inspiring footage in it and is well worth two minutes of your time. I personally love how Ash states...

      "If you are lonely, and someone connects with you...  you are                                                                less lonely."

I would also like to encourage you to pay extra attention to the boy who speaks at 1:13


Day or Night, The Flying Seagull Project wants to play!

I don't want to just bombard you with videos, but this next video is a newer version about the beliefs of The Flying Seagull Project. I whole heartedly agree with what they do and the message they are trying to convey! I especially like how Ash states...

"Play isn't a luxury. It is a part of development. It is a part of life. It's the best part of life. And these children don't just deserve it, they have a right to it". 

He nailed it for my blog. They have a RIGHT to it. Meaning they have A Right to Play!!! So, I encourage you to spend two more minutes watching one more video... and then go out and PLAY, because you too have The Right to Play!!!


Adults encouraging a child in her Right to Play!

Well, hopefully you went out and played a bit after watching that last video. Then you came back to finish reading my blog, right? 😃

Or maybe you trudged on through and read the rest of my blog before you went out to play. Either way, I do hope you got out to play today and encouraged others to do the same! To finish things off, I wanted to close with the last few sentences of Ash's article. You know, the one from the beginning of my blog post... you did read it didn't you? I believe the point he makes with these last few words is... No matter who or where you are... No matter what YOUR circumstances are... YOU can make a difference in encouraging the Right to Play for other people! 

"Whether you are on a distant board somewhere, advising on content for exercise books in schools, or on the front line of social care, remember that you have the ability, and arguably the responsibility, to use the fire and pure energy of your heart to encourage and light the paths of others.

You are the inspirers, the magic-makers, the knowledge-sharers and soul-lifters. Always remember that you can and must make a difference to every life you touch.

Go forward and pour such passion into your work that the world is brighter for it."

Now Go Out and Play... For Fun's Sake!!!

                   Oh, and Go Out and Hug Someone in the Process!!!

Sunday, September 3, 2023

The Right To Play


Guillaume with a friend in Ukraine

People talk about human rights. The right to free speech. The right to carry arms. The right to medical care. And so on. There is one right that doesn't get talked about very often, and I feel it is every bit as important as all the other human rights. It may be the MOST IMPORTANT! The Right to Play! You read that right, or should I say correctly? No, you read that RIGHT. It is an absolute right of every human on earth, and it is important on so many levels. My friend Guillaume understands this as well as anyone! He recently traveled to Ukraine to help people discover and express that right. Everyone has the right to play. Some people need extra encouragement to invoke that right. Especially people who are affected by war and displacement. The kiddo in this photo lives in a town that is affected by Russia's war on Ukraine. Guillaume, who in many ways considers Russia his second home, has gone to show this kiddo that people do care about him and that he has every right to play in spite of the circumstances that have been forced upon him. Even in horrific times, it can not be said enough... Every human on earth has The Right to Play! Guillaume has posted on FB about his time in Ukraine. He talks about the stories of bombs being heard nearby.  Hiding in a bathroom to stay safe from the missiles. He explains his experience there way better than I can, so feel free to go to his FB post and read for yourself.

                                                    Guillaume Vermette | Facebook

Guillaume with some playful adults

The other thing that can get lost in this, is that the Right to Play is not just for children! Adults have that same right, and they should invoke that right often! If an adult invokes the right, it does several things. One, it shows children they have the right to play, and it helps them express that right! Two, it helps the adult to release some tension that may make them less able to care for themselves and the people around
 them. Three, it improves brain function and overall health. Those three things are really important in life.

Guillaume as traveled solo many times to refugee camps, orphanages, nursing homes, etc. This time he had a friend, Marie, join him. She understands the importance of The Right To Play as well. 

Just think, these children live in fear every day! Fear of being bombed. Fear of being killed. Fear of their family members being killed. Yet, they have discovered their right to play and are using that right to the best of their abilities! Having 2 clowns join them helps, but hopefully they have learned that play is useful in so many ways. Hopefully they will continue to play when they can and teach others about their rights! 

This man looks like he has seen some shit. But look at that glow in his eyes and that smile! He needs to play!

There are a lot of humanitarian clowns out there who understand this basic right. They are all doing their best to promote that right and spread the laughter and joy. One of my favorite organizations is Clowns Without Borders. They have recently posted a blog series on the Right to Play. You should read these blogs as well, in my opinion. The first of 3 is listed below. After reading this one, just click on next post at the end of their post.

Meet Lively Clowns (and Puppets) Who Defend Kids' Right to Play in Zimbabwe ⋆ Clowns Without Borders USA

One of the main things I really took from reading the posts from Clowns Without Borders was how play actually improves brain function. It enhances your prefrontal cortex, which is critical in complex thinking. Other important aspects of play and what it does for us and our children are listed below. Play does all of the following bullet points...

  • Treats failure as a right, and shows that it’s necessary for learning
  • Strips away social roles and norms
  • Exposes the audience to their self, free from normative social roles
  • Increases self-awareness
  • Acts as an interlude from real life
  • Encourages a sense of community
  • Facilitates relief of stress and anxiety 
  • Provides human connection
  • Gives people lasting memories of joy

One of the greatest thing that play does is, it teaches kids how to handle stress and problem solve in a fun, safe environment. This way they are better able to problem solve during a time of crisis or stress! Also, the OHCHR recognizes the child's right to play. See below.

The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Recognizes Children’s Right to Play in

Article 31 of The Convention on the Rights of the Child

1. States Parties recognize the right of the child to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts.

2. States Parties shall respect and promote the right of the child to participate fully in cultural and artistic life and shall encourage the provision of appropriate and equal opportunities for cultural, artistic, recreational and leisure activity.

We are making strides in protecting and defending the Right to Play for kids of all ages. Let's continue that work and keep spreading the joy and laughter. Are you with me?

      Go Out and Hug Someone Today

     as you express your Right to Play!!!