
Monday, April 21, 2014

On Your Mark...

I bought running shoes. Stunning revelation I know. Today is the Boston Marathon, one year after the horrific cowardice of two young men. Runners are unique individuals I am learning. I am NOT a "runner", but I CAN run! So, I am going to run with my new shoes as much as I feel like I can and want to. Above is a quote I am placing as a tribute to the runners of today in Boston and all the runners who know what it means.

I don't enjoy running, but there are a lot of things I do in life that I don't necessarily enjoy and they are still good for me. It is a different challenge for me and one I am going to take on as best as I can.

Now Go Out and Hug a Runner Today!!!


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Ohioans are good people, even when they go to Michigan to play basketball

Came across this story about Adreian Payne and Lacey Holsworth. I find it inspirational. Give your time, love a child... whether it be yours or someone else's child. Get a horrific disease... fight it with all you got and with a smile on your face. Adreian is from Dayton, Ohio. Yea Ohio. He went to Michigan State to play basketball. Yea Michigan State! May Adreian be blessed thru out his life. I don't know much about Lacey, but I came across this tweet she wrote in February and it pretty much says it all about her I think. 

"I refuse to be a victim," she tweeted on Feb. 13. "No matter what I've been through, I'm still here. I have a history of victory." Lacey Holsworth

Lacey Holsworth, Friend of Adreian Payne, Passes Away After Battle with Cancer

Thanks for your leadership Adreian. Thanks for your courage Lacey.

Now Go Out and Hug a Child Today! Any Child!!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Hard Work and Imagination

Continuing with Inspiration Week. I just named it that, so that makes it official. We don't need a government ruling or anything. Just go out and inspire others! The Rwandans started the week by inspiring me with the act of Forgiveness.
Below is a video of some kids who started their own soccer club in the most unlikely of places! They used some imagination and hard work! You can get a lot done with those two attributes as these kids prove. It is a worthy video and with the World Cup coming up soon, Danny Donuts and I would like to share it with you.
Also, look for Mine and Danny's new book coming out soon. It will be a fun and informative World Cup Guide Book. I will send details after we have it all finished.
          The Red White and Blues Brothers. Ready for a USA soccer triumph! Are you ready?

Now Go Out and Hug Some Soccer Kids Today!!!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Courage, Love, Faith and Forgiveness (A Tribute to Rwanda Genocide Survivors)

Hello dear friends! Today marks the 20th anniversary week of the genocides in Rwanda. My friend Steve Bensen is in Rwanda to teach endoscopy procedures. He has already relieved suffering by doing procedures (Dilations, etc) there that could not be done before. AND he has taught the caring doctors there how to do these procedures as well so they can continue the work! I still find it amazing that we have people like Steve in this world! Bravo!

Steve sent a link to an article in Time Magazine. I am sharing it below as I feel it is a must read, especially if you want to see faces of courage, love, faith and forgiveness! We can learn a lot from the people of Rwanda! 

I sit here thinking about my time in Rwanda with my dear friend Kelly. It is a trip I shall never forget. I miss the people I met there, and still hope to return someday! Kelly has a friend who was a survivor of the genocides. He traveled to America on his own at 19. Learned to speak English and put himself thru college. He did this with no help and while his family stayed in Rwanda. They could not afford for all of them to come here. He has not seen his family in many years! Courage!

I sit here thinking about my friends at S.A.C.C.A. Mark and Naomi, an English couple, who did volunteer work in Rwanda. They noticed tons of street children there, most of whom were products of the genocides. Mark and Naomi fell in love, went home to England to get married, then the day after their marriage they went back to Rwanda to start up the non profit S.A.C.C.A. Quite a honeymoon eh? When I was there in 2006 I saw the results of their work. Children laughing, playing, eating, and learning! All because two foreigners felt they could help, and they did! Love!

I sit her thinking of my friend Emily Cavanagh. She used to work with the homeless in NYC. There she met a genocide survivor. This woman is now Emily's friend. She barely escaped death, traveled to America on her own, lived homeless in NYC til she could get on her feet, and wrote a book about it all! Emily wrote a tribute song for her friend called "Dark Was The Night" (On I-tunes if you haven't heard it already). Faith!

We all have Courage, Love, Faith and Forgiveness inside of us. We just need to let them come out and show themselves. And they do! They come in various forms. The Rwandan people have shown us, as the article above tells us. Forgiveness!

May you all have a blessed week as we remember this tragedy so it may never happen again. Let's celebrate the people in this world who are doing what they can to change, and to show the values of these four words!

          I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.  - Nelson Mandela





              Now Go Out and Hug Everyone Today!!!