
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Live like it's your first day.

I have always heard "live like it is your last day on earth". The philosophy is you will appreciate everything more. That is how I THOUGHT I lived my life most of the time, but I read something recently that made me realize I am a hybrid person. I always try to keep balance in my life as I feel that is a big key to keeping things... well, balanced :0). My balance to the above statement is "live like it is the first day of your life".. the philosophy of that statement is  everything is new and fresh and everyday is a new beginning. I actually do that some too. So now I am going to consciously try to live each day like it is my first AND last day. How do I do that? I am not quite sure yet, but it will be fun trying to think in those terms.

I have also wondered to myself if I am an old soul or a new soul. Somedays I feel old and some days I feel new :0). Maybe this thinking will help me figure it out?

So, tell me.... do you consider yourself a live like it is your last day or live like it is your first day kind of person? Or are you a hybrid too?  Do you think you are an old soul or a new soul? Or do you not believe in souls? I would love to hear your thoughts on this subject. And I feel it is appropriate now with the new year getting ready to start. We live the last day of 2012 and the first day of 2013.

                                                                      Goodbye 2012

"Life isn't about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself"  ~George Bernard Shaw

So go out and create yourself the way YOU want to create... whether it be with a first day or a last day mentality!

 Now Go Out and Hug Someone Today Like it is the First Time


Thursday, December 27, 2012

Friendship Thursday 5

This weeks friend is Maria Eliseeva AND her beautiful daughters! Most of you know of Maria because she inspires me as much or more than any other person I know. As her daughters get older, they are doing the same! I could go on and on about Maria, but I will refrain. I wanted to highlight her for two reasons. Her birthday is on Dec. 25th (not a coincidence I am convinced) and her daughters Anya and Asya were recently "caught" helping a young cancer patient! Sadly, I don't have that photo handy, but trust me it was priceless!

If you want to learn more about Maria and her program you can go to  

or just ask me :0)

                                      Maria with "dirty" hands and a young lady from Beslan.

                                                    Asya and Anya clowning around

"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up." ~Pablo Picasso

                     Now Go Out and Hug an Artist Today

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Boxing Day??

I don't know anything about Boxing Day or Canadian traditions, but I say we put down the gloves and give out hugs!

Now that clown knows how to give a hug! The great thing about a hug, is almost anyone can give one and EVERYONE can receive them!

"Arm ourselves for war? No! All the arms we need are for hugging." ~Author Unknown

"A hug is a great gift - one size fits all, and it's easy to exchange"  ~Author Unknown

         Now Go Out and HUG Someone Today


Sunday, December 23, 2012

The FEELING of Christmas

Christmas is not just a day, it is a FEELing. You don't even have to be religious to FEEL it. I stopped buying Christmas "gifts" a long time ago. I think that surprises people who know me. It is my        anti-commercialism "protest" or maybe I am just a Scrooge :0), you decide. Either way, I still FEEL Christmas every year. Some years I FEEL less than others depending on things waying on my mind, and I am sure many people FEEL Christmas differently depending on what they are going thru. The point is you can still FEEL it!

That is not to take away from your sadness and sorrows. Those are important emotions that we all must FEEL at times. I believe sadness and sorrow are almost as important as joy and peace. Without FEELing those two things, we can never truly appreciate what joy and peace FEEL like. As this Christmas season comes and goes, I hope you FEEL more peace and joy than you do sadness and sorrow. Allow yourself to FEEL sadness and sorrow, just don't keep peace and joy from coming in to the season and ultimately into your heart.

"He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree." ~ Roy L. Smith

            Now Go Out and Hug Someone Joyfully Today

Friday, December 21, 2012

Someday At Christmas

Someday at Christmas we will ALL be at peace. Let's pray it is during our LIFE times. Christmas can bring feelings of joy and sadness, love and anger, peace and turmoil. I am sure Jesus encountered all of these feelings in his life as well, whether it was at his birthday or the rest of the year. It is how we respond to those feelings is what can make our lives meaningful. Jesus seemed to handle those feelings well by the accounts we have of him, and I hope I can handle them a fraction as well as He did. No matter what is going on in your lives at this time, I hope you find a way through it and get to enjoy it the best way possible.

Below is a video of caring clowns to the tune of Someday at Christmas. Beautifully played on a ukele by a clown on the trip. Enjoy and soak in ALL the emotions it congers up.

"Christmas, my child, is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give, it's Christmas."
~ Dale Evans
             Now Go Out and Hug Someone at Christmas

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Friendship Thursday 4

This weeks friend is Shobi Dobi. Shobi is a lovely inspiring clown. I met her at summer camp in Russia 10 years ago. She is the quintessential clown to me. She loves and laughs like no other. And she spreads it around by doing workshops on Caring Clowning/Hospital Clowning. She wrote a book about Hospital Clowning for anyone looking to do that and she does workshops all over the world, including Canada, Japan and other places. I know she has taught me many things about caring clowning and I am eternally grateful. Thank You Shobi!

An young boy examining Clown Shobi's Clown nose

Shobi and a young child playing so sweetly.

Check out her website to learn more...

And check out this link for a recipe to joy (you have to scroll down for it, but read the whole article if you have the time)                

"By blood a king, in heart a clown"  ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson

Thanks to all the Caring Clowns in the world who spread the love.

            Now Go Out and Hug a Clown Today!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow

I woke up today to a beautiful snow fall! Promptly went out and played and will go out again later. I recommend anyone where there is snow to bundle up and go play. It will take your mind off whatever may be troubling you and renew your spirit! It did mine.

"The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event. You go to bed in one kind of a world and wake up in another quite different, and if this is not enchantment then where is it to be found?"
~ J. B. Priestley

I couldn't agree more with Mr. Priestley. How can you not find it enchanting? And you get to sing Let It Snow if you wish! Or my personal favorite "Let Me Go".

Oh the doctors I see are frightful
And tho the nurses are delightful
Christmas in a hospital blows
Let me go, Let me go, Let me go

I hope you are all out of the hospital this Christmas.

                Now Go Out and Hug Someone Today


Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas in Rwanda

6 Years ago today I was on a plane to Rwanda. I was fortunate enough to spend Christmas there with my dear friend Kelly and play with some kids who were a part of S.A.C.C.A. It is a Christmas I will never forget for many reasons. The kids there, like almost every other kid I have ever met, just wanted to play and be loved. Kelly and I did our best for the two weeks we were there. SACCA is one of many wonderful organizations out there helping kids, and we need to continue to support those programs the best we can. SACCA helps street children in Rwanda. Mostly kids who were effected by the genocides of 1994, but now they help many other street kids as well. I am happy to call them my friends and I miss those kids as much as I miss all the kids I have gotten to know. They all love to smile and dance there, even more so at Christmas. Their traditional dance is the "Cow" dance. Not sure why it is called that, but I did my best to join in.

                                          Dancing in Rwanda at a Christmas celebration.

                                  Mokunzie had one of the brightest smiles I have ever seen

"Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened" ~  Dr. Seuss

The thing that struck me most about the street kids in Rwanda was this...

They are considered to be the poorest of the poor... They get one gift at Christmas and it is a set of new clothes. They only get one other set of new clothes a year and that is at Easter. It is why they consider clothes a symbol of "status". They feel if you have clothes in your closet, you are rich.

Yet, they dance and smile and laugh like any other kids I have met!!!

Also, every year at Christmas they make a nativity scene out of clay and learn about Jesus and the REAL meaning of Christmas. Gifts are a nice way to show people you care about them and think about them, but the greatest gifts of all are Faith, Hope and Love.  Street kids in Rwanda seem to know this better than most.

So, enjoy the season... enjoy the love that surrounds you... enjoy your family and friends... and KNOW if you have clothes in your closet, you ARE rich!

           Now Go Out and Hug Someone Today

Saturday, December 15, 2012

What the world needs NOW..

It is a great song from 1965, and is more true now than ever. The world needs LOVE now! And I would add laughter, dancing, caring clowns and hope.... among other good things. Of course yesterday has shocked us all, just like it does EVERY time something like that happens. We will never forget of course, but we will carry on with our lives and try to make the best of what is left. But when will it stop?!! The short answer is probably never. As long as humans inhabit the earth, horrific tragedies will happen. People from Columbine, Virginia Tech, Beslan and others know this all too well! All of those people are doing their best to move on, but trust me it is NOT easy and it will never be easy. As outsiders looking in, we can never understand completely the depths of their despair. We CAN do our best as good people to show these people love and kindness for the rest of their lives and ours. We CAN help ease some of the pain, as I learned in Beslan. We CAN try to prevent these things from ever happening again, thru gun laws, awareness, education, etc. Even if we never stop the tragedies, we CAN be better people today than we were yesterday. That is what I am going to do.. be better today than I was yesterday. Will you join me?

                                 "A young boy from Beslan, who survived a terrorist attack"

I have traveled to Beslan to meet kids and teachers who survived a horrible terrorist attack on their school. (Beslan Siege 2004). The stories are horrific! 334 people were killed, 186 were children! Yet, from this tragedy does come some sweetness. As clowns we spread a little laughter and fun, and some do face painting. This young man wanted his face to be painted as spiderman. The photographer on our trip asked him why, and I quote from a 12 year old    "Because I want to protect my school and my town".

Below I offer a link to a video about some clowns who have traveled to Beslan. It is heartwrenching AND heartwarming at the same time. It is definitely emotional, so be warned.

Now Go Out and Hug a Child Today, And a Parent!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Friendship Thursday 3

This weeks friend is a relatively new friend to me. I had heard about her years ago from Danny Donuts, and finally got to meet her in April. She is a hilarious singer/songwriter. Her name is Carla Ulbrich. If you enjoy funny lyrics and good times, you will enjoy Carla. Not only is she a funny singer/songwriter, she lives with 3 debilitating diseases!! how she finds a way to laugh thru it all is hard for me to understand, but she does and she inspires folks everywhere because of it. She has written a very funny, thoughtful, informative book on her diseases and how she deals with them. It is called "how can I NOT laugh at a time like this". You should go to her website and buy the book or buy a CD (I highly recommend Sick Humor for any healthcare professional or person with chronic illness). Her website is

Thanks for the inspiration Carla!!

Now Go Out and Hug Someone Today

The Power of 3

Ok, so I thought today was supposed to be the end of the world. Apparently it is 12/21/12.. that is not even a palindrome. Who thinks of this stuff? 12/12/12 would have made more sense for a final day in my opinion, especially since there are 12 months in a calendar, there are three 12s in that date, and 12 is divisible by 3 and we all know 3 is the universal number for greatness right?

"The power of three is universal and is the tripartide nature of the world as heaven, earth, and waters. It is human as body, soul and spirit. Notice the distinction that soul and spirit are not the same. They are not. Three is birth, life, death. It is the beginning, middle and end. Three is a complete cycle unto itself. It is past, present, future." These are not my words, this was taken from a google search. It is a good argument for 3 though. If you believe in all that. Numbers can be powerful I think, but how powerful I have no idea. When you add the numbers in my birthday the total is divisible by 7 and 13 and those numbers have been lucky for me, if you believe in luck. I am Irish, so of course I do. If you take out the year I was born, then the total is divisible by 3! Spooky eh? :0)

I am not sure of the meaning of this post. Just having a little fun. The bottom line is, go out  and enjoy the day whether you have 3 days left... or 9, as The Mayans have suggested. Oh wait, 9 is the same as 3 times 3!!! Now THAT is spooking me. Go have fun today.

                                                 "The three little bears"

                     Now Go Out and Hug 3 People Today


Monday, December 10, 2012

Dance your pants off

A friend sent me this video over the weekend. It is a nice reminder that most people
ALL OVER THE WORLD like to dance. So don't be shy and dance your pants off this week.
Not literally of course :0). But enjoy this video if you have 5 minutes to spare. It is gauranteed to make you smile and makes me dream of traveling to more places and dancing!

                                            Kids/People in Beslan especially love to dance!

"Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance." - Dave Barry

No truer words have been spoken. Trust me, dancing can make you feel good no matter where you are or what you are doing. I have danced with kids and teachers in Beslan who have no earthly reason to dance, but they do and they LOVE IT! It makes them feel good, and it can do the same for you. Go ahead and try it. When you are feeling down or grumpy or just not yourself, force yourself to do a little dance... I gaurantee you will smile no matter how good you are :0).

Now Go Out and Hug Someone and Dance WITH Them

Friday, December 7, 2012

It's Friday

Yes, it's Friday. The day of the week everyone seems to look forward to. Every day I wake up is a good day to me. Things in Utah are good. Dad is slowly progressing. I even saw him smile earlier in the week :0). He talked excitedly about the Christmas lights he saw on Tuesday night and he can't wait to go again this Tuesday. I am going with him! Even in his state, he has somehow triggered the child like enthusiasm in me! So, my wish for you this weekend and the rest of the year is to FEEL the magic that is the Holiday Season and give yourself permission to be child like! It is wonderful.

                                                         Santa and his little Helper

"In every real man a child is hidden that wants to play". ~ Friedrich Nietzche

Now go out and play this weekend. AND

Go Out and Hug Someone Today


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Friendship Thursday 2

Friendship Thursday. This week's friend is Jen Canfield. Jen is an everlasting source of inspiration. She is one of the main reasons this blog exist, as she encouraged me to "share my words". So, thanks Jen.

Jen has helped many kids in her life time. She was director of Magic House from 2001 to 2007. This was a non profit  based out of Russia where she helped to run a group home for orphans.

She is the founder of Sacred Sound Series, where she helps artist schedule events and works within the community.

She has been a director of The Call and Response Foundation the past 3 years.

With her "free" time she raises two beautiful children, does yoga, and a plethora of other things. How she does it all is still a mystery to me. I will strive to do so much.

St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow Looks like a Magic House eh
"The Language of friendship is not words but meanings." Henry David Thoreau

I truly LOVE what my friends mean to me.

Go Out and Hug Someone Today

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

One Week til The End

It is one week til the end of the earth, IF  you believe the Ancient Mayans knew something we don't. I jus think the little old man in charge of the calendar got tired, or retired, or died and nobody else wanted his job!

However, I think we all should live our lives like we have one week left on earth. Nobody knows how much time you have here, so why not enjoy THIS time we do have?! It is YOUR life, you can do whatever you want with it. When it is all over you go on to something else or you die and never remember a thing after your death. Either way, enjoying your life now has no effect on what comes after. Have fun, laugh, be kind to others... those will all make your life more enjoyable without a doubt. So what are the cons to doing those things? I can't see any.

                                Kids know how to have fun, why can't adults. Ah, but we can!

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” ~Dr. Seuss

Dr. Seuss was not just whimsical, he was wise. Bottom line is BE YOU

And Go Out and Hug Someone Today


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Holiday Season

We had a nice Christmas party last night at my dad's home, officially kicking off the holiday season. For me it will definitely be like no other holiday I have had. Could be great, could be sad. I am hoping for great. And I am hoping your holiday is great as well. May we all have a holiday season filled with Love, Laughter, and wonderment! We need more wonderment in our lives I think.

                                             "A sense of wonder can wonder the senses"

A goose never voted for an early Christmas. - Irish Saying

But I love Christmas early. I love the feel in the air, the songs we get to sing, the giggling children, and the sense of magic in the air. But don't eat the goose early!

                                                   "Trying to beat the holiday rush"

Now Go Out and Hug Someone Today

Monday, December 3, 2012

Rainy Days and Mondays

Rainy days and Mondays NEVER get me down! Seriously, I love both. I know a lot of people don't like Mondays, but Mondays are like a new beginning! If you had a bad week or weekend, you get to start over on Monday, how cool is that?

Rainy days are not liked very well either, but I love hiking on a rainy day! The smells come alive in the rain. Whether you are in a forest surrounded by the smells of trees and leaves or in a city surrounded by the smells of pavement and buildings or in a meadow surrounded by the smells of flowers... they all stimulate your senses and make you feel alive! Now I don't mean in a down pour, but in a light, comfortable rain. Sometime put on a little raincoat and go out for a walk... get in the middle of nowhere or somewhere and just close your eyes and enjoy the smells. Try it sometime!


"Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain." - Author Unknown
Also, if you ever get a chance, check out the song In The Garden by Van Morrison. It is a beautiful song that touches upon the beauty of being wet with rain.
Now Go Out and Hug Someone In The Rain While Dancing!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

A Day of Rest

It was said that even God took a day of rest. We are mere humans, so we need 2 days of rest! Or more in some cases. I am given you permission to rest ALL DAY today! You worked hard, you have earned it. The only thing I don't understand is why preachers only have to work ONE day a week? And why is that on Sunday, when God is resting? :0)

                               "Rest comes easy on a hammock, unless your name is Gilligan"

But, if you are on the 11th floor balcony of a Brazilian Goddess overlooking Lapas near Rio De Janeiro, rest comes very easy! Yes, this is where I slept one night while in Brazil on my soccer journey with buddy Danny Donuts. You can rest there too if you want! Ask me how.

Enjoy your day of rest, but still....

                       Go Out and Hug Someone Today


Saturday, December 1, 2012

Weekend Worriers

Weekend Warriors are folks who go out on weekends and do the extreme, whether it be sport related or travel or whatever.

Weekend Worriers are folks who relax on Friday night, but then come Saturday they start worrying about Monday and the work they have to do. To me it is just not worth it. We all NEED to relax or go to extremes to enjoy our time off. That helps to reset our minds so we are not so stressed and can actually do a BETTER job come Monday.

My grandmother used to say "Don't worry about the dishes honey, they will be there later. Let's play some yahtzee now". She was right, the dishes were still there a few hours later AND we had more fun washing the dishes because we could talk and laugh about our yahtzee games.

                                              "May the waters of your soul be peaceful"

"Don't worry, be happy" ~Bobby McFerrin

"Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy." ~Leo Buscaglia

We all have some worries in our lives, but let's try to enjoy TODAY for what it is.

                            Now Go Out and Hug Somebody TODAY!!