
Friday, February 15, 2013

I can't juggle because I'm not a clown... and other misconceptions

Here is a cute little story for you... A 4 year old girl walks into the living room and looks at her dad with a sad face and says "I will never be able to juggle because I am not a clown". How cute is that? This is a real quote from someone I know whose daughter said that to him! It makes me chuckle of course to think that the innocence of a 4 year old thinks she has to be a clown in order to juggle. Well, she may just be a clown and doesn't know it, but more importantly... she doesn't HAVE to be a clown in order to juggle! It got me to thinking about people out there who may hold back in life because they have misconceptions.... There are a lot of things you can do without  being any particular description.

For instance, you don't have to be a policeman to be brave. You can be brave as a teacher, bus driver, a clown, or even a politician.

For instance, you don't have to be a nurse to be caring. You can be a caring mom, clown, construction worker, or even a caring lawyer.

For instance, you don't have to be an athlete to play a sport. You can play a sport as a kid, a quadraplegic, dance instructor, or even a clutz. And you could be one of these descriptions AND be an athlete too! You just don't have to have a certain label to do this or that.

I think you get the point and I hope you understand that you can do... or at least TRY anything you want to try without being anything in specific. Just try it! If you fail, try some more or try something different you might enjoy!

OK,  Charlie Chaplin is kind of a clown... but the man helping him isn't and he took part in juggling!

                   “white is not always light and black is not always dark" ~Habeeb Akande

                   Now Go Out and Hug Someone Today

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