
Friday, January 4, 2013

Thank God For Kids

Thank God For Kids... "If it weren't for kids have you ever thought... there wouldn't be no Santa Claus, or look what the stork just brought, thank God for kids." A beautiful song by the Oak Ridge Boys. Check it out.

I must say I agree with the Oak Ridge Boys 100%. Kids make the world so much more special with their innocence and honesty and caring. I went thru orientation at Primary Children's Medical Center (PCMC) on Weds and heard two amazing stories. I will share them now.

The first one is about a ten year old boy.... his mom went into early labor and her premature baby had to be care flighted to PCMC. The team of health care providers did everything they possibly could to help the baby survive, but to no avail. A week later the hospital received a letter from the ten year old. He made a drawing of the hospital, helicopter, and people. At the top in big bold letters he wrote
                                               " THANKS FOR TRYING"

How special is that. He lost a baby sister and he had  the insight to let the hospital know that he and his family appreciated their efforts, even when it wasn't successful! God love him.

The second one is about an 8 year old boy. One day he showed up at the volunteer office with a bucket of rocks. The volunteer lady thanked him, but had a bit of a confused look on her face. He noticed that and said "look, when you pour water on them they become shiny! I thought some kids here might like that."

Wow, a true gift from the heart AND a lesson to learn too! Just because something or someone looks dirty or dull, doesn't mean they can't shine with a little love and care.


Thank God for kids, there's magic for a while
A special kind of sunshine in a smile
Do you ever stop to think or wonder why
The nearest thing to heaven is a child

As I embark on my career at Primary Children's I will keep these stories and images in mind. If I ever start to whine about my job, someone PLEASE hit me upside the head, or just give me a gentle reminder that KIDS ARE SPECIAL.

                Now Go Out and Hug a Kid Today


JestLaugh said...

Two beautiful stories. Enjoy the new job ...the challenge will be the adults, not the kids!

Your Daly Hug said...

Thanks Robyn... I am sure I will enjoy it and I think I can handle the parents :0).... we shall see..

Love and Laughs, Chip

Ed S. said...

Congrats on the new job Rodney, best of luck. And thanks for the nice stories.we would all be better off if we retained some of the innocence of childhood.

Your Daly Hug said...

Thanks Ed. I think I will learn a lot from the kids :0).