
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Attitude of Gratitude

A friend of mine recently emailed me saying she had an Attitude of Gratitude today. I like that! I believe so much of life is about attitude. If your attitude is in a great frame of mind, then your days will be better and funner and joyfuller! Don't you think?

So today, I AM going to live with an Attitude of Gratitude. Grateful that I have such a wonderful job, AMAZING friends, a funny dad, a caring mom, God's creations like the super moon last night and so on. There are too many things I am grateful for to list them all here, but you get the point I think.

I encourage you to shape your attitude every morning when you get up. Talk to yourself in the morning about what kind of attitude you want to have for that day. It can be anything from gratitude, to playfulness, to seriousness. Every day is different! That is what makes life wonderful.

Seriously, people spend time shaping their muscles and even their minds. It helps when you do those things, so why not shape your attitude with talk or exercises? Every morning this week when you wake up THINK about what kind of attitude you want to have for the day, exercise that attitude and make it happen!!  Just give it a try and let me know the results.

                                   Super moon, June 22nd, 2013. Rolling up the mountain.

“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.”
Maya Angelou

I came across this quote below. I really like it! Don't just feel gratitude, but EXPRESS it!
"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a gift and not giving it."
~William Arthur Ward

    Now Go Out and Hug Someone Today with Gratitude!

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