
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

In the moment

People often ask me how I communicate with the kids in Russia. I am usually clowning and communication is mostly non verbal with a few words thrown in for fun. Follow up questions usually are "Do you feel bad you can't get to know the kids better?".  I certainly do wish I could speak the language and have real conversations with the kids. However, my dear friend Anya did alleviate my regret a little by explaining this to me... this is a paraphrase of what she told me, but the point is well taken from me.

"When you clown with the children without speaking their language, then you are in the moment with them! You are not worried about their past or what has happened to them. You are not trying to figure out their future for them. You are just there, IN THE MOMENT, and they need that!"

Very poignant and it makes me smile to think of it. Thank you Anya! Anya had a first hand experience with this when she clowned in Peru last year. She doesn't speak Spanish, so she got to experience the "In the moment clowning" with the kids. She said she LOVED it too! I have to agree, I do LOVE it as well. Not knowing the language offers some funny bits too, so I will continue to clown even if I don't know the language.

                      Anya, one of my dearest friends and most favorite women in the world

                     Now Go Out and Hug a Friend Today


  1. I witnessed this when my non-Spanish-speaking family came to visit us in Peru this year. Even though they couldn't communicate verbally, the kids loved the smiles, hugs and attention, and always ask me when they are coming to visit again.

  2. Thanks for the comment Meg. Glad to know it extends beyond clowning :0). Smiles and hugs are so important!
