Thank God I'm Funny
I believe every person on earth has at least one gift. Some people have multiple gifts of course. My one gift is I'm funny. In fact, I am 3 of the funniest people I know. Having a sense of humor has helped me get thru some rough times. I hope you have a gift that helps you OR helps others in times of despair or need. Actually, I am fairly positive that you DO have such a gift. We all do. We just need to search a little for it sometimes, but sometime it is blatantly obvious. Mine is fairly obvious I think. So what is your gift? Search for it and use it and tell me about it, I want to know what YOU think your gift is. No need to be shy here, it is just a simple forum to express yourself. You can also tell me what you think someone else's gift is if you like (me excluded please, I have already told you my gift). Certainly don't be afraid to tell someone else what you think THEIR gift is!!
Reach Out and Touch Someone
"Humor is a reminder that no matter how high the throne one sits on, one sits on one's bottom." ~Taki
"Humor results when society says you can't scratch certain things in public, but they itch in public." ~Tom Walsh
"Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not; a sense of humor to console him for what he is." ~Francis Bacon
"If toast always lands butter-side down and a cat always lands on it's feet. Then what happens if you strap a piece of buttered toast to the back of a cat?" ~ Steven Wright
(Now don't try that at home please)
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
~ Albert Einstein
Ok, there are a million quotes on humor, so I will put it to rest. Now the work week is almost over, go out and explore YOUR gift, whatever that may be! Help someone else with YOUR gift. You were given your gift to share with others, I just pray you do. Have a beautiful weekend.
Now Go Out and Hug Someone
I believe every person on earth has at least one gift. Some people have multiple gifts of course. My one gift is I'm funny. In fact, I am 3 of the funniest people I know. Having a sense of humor has helped me get thru some rough times. I hope you have a gift that helps you OR helps others in times of despair or need. Actually, I am fairly positive that you DO have such a gift. We all do. We just need to search a little for it sometimes, but sometime it is blatantly obvious. Mine is fairly obvious I think. So what is your gift? Search for it and use it and tell me about it, I want to know what YOU think your gift is. No need to be shy here, it is just a simple forum to express yourself. You can also tell me what you think someone else's gift is if you like (me excluded please, I have already told you my gift). Certainly don't be afraid to tell someone else what you think THEIR gift is!!
Reach Out and Touch Someone
"Humor is a reminder that no matter how high the throne one sits on, one sits on one's bottom." ~Taki
"Humor results when society says you can't scratch certain things in public, but they itch in public." ~Tom Walsh
"Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not; a sense of humor to console him for what he is." ~Francis Bacon
"If toast always lands butter-side down and a cat always lands on it's feet. Then what happens if you strap a piece of buttered toast to the back of a cat?" ~ Steven Wright
(Now don't try that at home please)
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
~ Albert Einstein
Ok, there are a million quotes on humor, so I will put it to rest. Now the work week is almost over, go out and explore YOUR gift, whatever that may be! Help someone else with YOUR gift. You were given your gift to share with others, I just pray you do. Have a beautiful weekend.
Now Go Out and Hug Someone
First off, you're not limited to just 1 gift, so I hereby override your request to not have folks tell you what your other gifts are. You're super generous and a mathematical genius- those two gifts come in handy. In fact, my theory is that are true gifts are the ones people HAVE to tell us about because they come so natural to us that they don't SEEM like a gift. Writing is one of those gifts for me (at least I hope it is since we're writing this book!) People were complimenting me on my writing and I'm thinking, "Huh? I'm just writing." I never had to work on it- I just do it.
I do agree with you Danny. Your writings are a gift! Keep on writing and making people laugh. Humor is obviously one of your gifts too, which is why I hang with you :0).
And I'll add to the list: Rodney, you're a flourishing photographer who constantly impresses me with your improvements. Keep it up!
Hey - you're a good nurse too!
Chipskiiiii, first of all, you are my all time favorite traveling nurse -- which is funny since I've never spent time with you in that professional capacity and passion of yours. Second of all, I know of no other person in the whole world who invests so much time and energy and love in his friends and in sharing your gifts - many - with humanity.
Ok folks, I appreciate your comments... I really do, BUT you are missing the point! I want to know about YOUR gifts! Or your other friends gifts! Any comments on that?? :0)
OK, OK. My gifts? Nursing, smiling, making people smile, being friendly, communication. Does that sound about right?
YES, that does sound right Linda! I will vouch for you. Keep doing all those things to make people happy~
Thanks Chip! :)
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