Susan ready to zip! |
That would make a great Children's book title I think. Or a REAL title for my friend Susan's memoir! Maybe just Susan the Sloth for her title. I am sure I have shared Susan's story in the past, but she really does need to write a memoir I feel! Her story is just too incredible and inspiring NOT to share it with the world. She doesn't like to be considered inspirational, but she is anyway!
Pure joy that face is!! |
Of course the name is endearing, and not mean at all... even though it may sound that way. Susan LOVES sloths, which I found out on our trip to Costa Rica. And she kinda looks like a sloth when she smiles :0). And she definitely moves like a sloth! Again, endearing, not mean as Susan knows all this. When I called her Susan the Sloth in Costa Rica she smiled and shook her head yes! We didn't see any sloths in Costa Rica because we spent most of our time on the beach. However, our driver had taken a video of a sloth he had seen. He showed Susan that video and she loved it of course.
She really is a good sport <:0) |
Susan's dream, and the whole reason we went to Costa Rica, was to zip line thru the jungle. I have to admit I was a little nervous about it, but if Susan wants to try something I am all for it! When we got to the zip line I was even more nervous. I just didn't see how it could possibly work out. But I have also seen some amazing things while hanging out with folks who have challenges to overcome. Plus the guys working there kept saying "No problem, we do this all the time". So we trusted them and Thank God we did!
WoooHoooo!!1 |
It was truly amazing, fascinating, incredible, spectacular and a few other adjectives thown in, to watch these young men at work. There were 4 of them helping us. One guy would lift Susan out of her chair up to another guy. That guy would clip her onto the zip line, then clip himself to her and ZOOOOM, off they went. So cool to watch Susan's face!! THEN the 3rd guy would lift Susan's CHAIR up to the 4th guy and he would clip it in and clip himself and ZOOOOM, off they went! I was a little flabbergasted to be honest, because I didn't understand why they needed her chair so high in the trees?? Trust is a must.
Oops! My old eyes saw this wrong. This is Susan zipping away. Not her chair! |
This IS her chair zipping :0) |
So then I went zipping behind them. At the platform I found out why they needed her chair. They got Susan down and put her in her chair and then they pushed her across a SWINGING BRIDGE!! I kid you not! It was perhaps the most riveting thing I have ever seen. All of it was totally safe too, I promise! Susan had the time of her life and so did I!!
Swinging Bridge fun! |
After 3 zips, the guys looked at us and said "We have a short cut where you can do 3 more zips and be done or we can go the long way where there is a super fast one". I am not sure if they wanted us to take the short route or expected us to? But I do know they didn't know Susan like I do. Even though I knew the answer I asked her what she wanted to do. Susan is aware of herself and she never wants to be a burden on others (and she is NOT), so she meekly said "I would like to go on the fast one if that is OK". The guys were like "Sure, no problem" and off we went!
Super fast zip! It was about 100 yards long too! |
They truly weren't put off at all. I think they get some people who just don't know what zipping is all about and they WANT to do the short cut. Just not Susan :0).
The Crew! We Thank You! |
So as the New Year comes to be... you may find some challenges come your way... think of Susan and realize that ANY challenge can truly be overcome with some hard work, determination, trust AND faith!!
Now Go Out and Hug Your Friends Today!!!
Woooow! What a story. I saw the pictures and couldn't believe it. Such a great adventure and truly a childrens book worthy.
Thanks Theo! If YOU think it is a worthy idea, then I KNOW it is! I will be working on it over the next 3 months, with input and help from friends of course! With Love, Chip
You go girl!!! Take the fast zip line. You da' Woman Susan!!
Hey "Whatever"! Thanks for your comment! Susan is Da Woman, as you say, Ha Ha. Do you know Susan? Or do you know me? Either way, welcome to the blog and thanks for reading and commenting. Rodney
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