I have probably sent this out before, but it seems more and more poignant each and every year. Will war ever end? Will children ever live in a world of TOTAL peace? Can we stop their suffering? Or do we just pray that they will be taken care of in the next phase of whatever is next? I don't know the answers of course, but I think it helps to stimulate our emotions this way and stimulate conversations about what we can do to help in this lifetime.
I love this song and video which was done by two humanitarian clowns who have traveled to Russia with Patch. Maybe other places too? I don't know them personally.
Enjoy the video for what it is. An offering of Love, Peace, and Empathy! Cry, Laugh, be Emotional. You have my permission :0).
Now Go Out and Hug a Child Today!!!
Shared the video on my FB!
Thanks Robyn!
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