Guillaume! What a character. What a man. What a clown! |
He tells stories on his professional FB that will make you laugh, smile, cry, think, and wonder. A lot like Humans of New York, but even better in my opinion. His stories are all about humanitarians. Himself and friends he has met along the way. He is the best humanitarian clown I know, hands down.
A total Clown. Guillaume can even make the horses laugh! |
Just over a year ago, He was living in Canada and running a clown business. He was making a decent living and able to travel a little on humanitarian clown trips, like the Patch Adams Tour in November and the Beslan trip in April. But Guillaume wanted to do more! So, he sold his business and gave away most of his possessions and now travels the world as a humanitarian clown.
Guillaume and a friend at a refugee camp. |
I am not sure of all of his travels this past year, which is why you have to look him up on FB and read for yourself. But I do know He lived in a refugee camp in Greece for a couple of months. Living amongst the refugees in tents and clowning with them during the day to try and lift their spirits and give them hope.
He did the annual Clown Tour in Russia with Patch and Maria. He went to Thailand for 6 to 8 weeks and taught children circus performances at a camp called "Spark! Circus"
He most recently was in Beslan with yours truly, making the kids there squeal with delight and craving his attention. They chased him, they hugged him, they called out his name down the hallways wherever he went. "Guillaume! Guillaume!". Even while I was clowning with kids in "my own" special moments, they would look at me and ask "Gdye Guillaume?". Which is Russian for "Where's Guillaume?".
The kids of Beslan chasing Guillaume on his unicycle |
For the past year he has basically lived out of a backpack, all so he can spread laughter and joy to the world. He relies solely on donations to fund his trips and relies on the kindness of strangers for food and sometimes even shelter. I think he told me he spent 9000 dollars total this past year. That includes ALL of his expenses.. travel, food, etc. I can't begin to imagine living on 9000 dollars a year, and still be able to travel the world. He has done it and I have never seen him look happier!
Check out his website for some great photos and videos. It is all in French, but even with the language difference you can't help but smile at Guillaume!
Keep spreading the Love and Joy my friend!!!
Now Go Out and Hug a Humanitarian Today!!!