
Sunday, September 3, 2023

The Right To Play


Guillaume with a friend in Ukraine

People talk about human rights. The right to free speech. The right to carry arms. The right to medical care. And so on. There is one right that doesn't get talked about very often, and I feel it is every bit as important as all the other human rights. It may be the MOST IMPORTANT! The Right to Play! You read that right, or should I say correctly? No, you read that RIGHT. It is an absolute right of every human on earth, and it is important on so many levels. My friend Guillaume understands this as well as anyone! He recently traveled to Ukraine to help people discover and express that right. Everyone has the right to play. Some people need extra encouragement to invoke that right. Especially people who are affected by war and displacement. The kiddo in this photo lives in a town that is affected by Russia's war on Ukraine. Guillaume, who in many ways considers Russia his second home, has gone to show this kiddo that people do care about him and that he has every right to play in spite of the circumstances that have been forced upon him. Even in horrific times, it can not be said enough... Every human on earth has The Right to Play! Guillaume has posted on FB about his time in Ukraine. He talks about the stories of bombs being heard nearby.  Hiding in a bathroom to stay safe from the missiles. He explains his experience there way better than I can, so feel free to go to his FB post and read for yourself.

                                                    Guillaume Vermette | Facebook

Guillaume with some playful adults

The other thing that can get lost in this, is that the Right to Play is not just for children! Adults have that same right, and they should invoke that right often! If an adult invokes the right, it does several things. One, it shows children they have the right to play, and it helps them express that right! Two, it helps the adult to release some tension that may make them less able to care for themselves and the people around
 them. Three, it improves brain function and overall health. Those three things are really important in life.

Guillaume as traveled solo many times to refugee camps, orphanages, nursing homes, etc. This time he had a friend, Marie, join him. She understands the importance of The Right To Play as well. 

Just think, these children live in fear every day! Fear of being bombed. Fear of being killed. Fear of their family members being killed. Yet, they have discovered their right to play and are using that right to the best of their abilities! Having 2 clowns join them helps, but hopefully they have learned that play is useful in so many ways. Hopefully they will continue to play when they can and teach others about their rights! 

This man looks like he has seen some shit. But look at that glow in his eyes and that smile! He needs to play!

There are a lot of humanitarian clowns out there who understand this basic right. They are all doing their best to promote that right and spread the laughter and joy. One of my favorite organizations is Clowns Without Borders. They have recently posted a blog series on the Right to Play. You should read these blogs as well, in my opinion. The first of 3 is listed below. After reading this one, just click on next post at the end of their post.

Meet Lively Clowns (and Puppets) Who Defend Kids' Right to Play in Zimbabwe ⋆ Clowns Without Borders USA

One of the main things I really took from reading the posts from Clowns Without Borders was how play actually improves brain function. It enhances your prefrontal cortex, which is critical in complex thinking. Other important aspects of play and what it does for us and our children are listed below. Play does all of the following bullet points...

  • Treats failure as a right, and shows that it’s necessary for learning
  • Strips away social roles and norms
  • Exposes the audience to their self, free from normative social roles
  • Increases self-awareness
  • Acts as an interlude from real life
  • Encourages a sense of community
  • Facilitates relief of stress and anxiety 
  • Provides human connection
  • Gives people lasting memories of joy

One of the greatest thing that play does is, it teaches kids how to handle stress and problem solve in a fun, safe environment. This way they are better able to problem solve during a time of crisis or stress! Also, the OHCHR recognizes the child's right to play. See below.

The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Recognizes Children’s Right to Play in

Article 31 of The Convention on the Rights of the Child

1. States Parties recognize the right of the child to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts.

2. States Parties shall respect and promote the right of the child to participate fully in cultural and artistic life and shall encourage the provision of appropriate and equal opportunities for cultural, artistic, recreational and leisure activity.

We are making strides in protecting and defending the Right to Play for kids of all ages. Let's continue that work and keep spreading the joy and laughter. Are you with me?

      Go Out and Hug Someone Today

     as you express your Right to Play!!!

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