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My blessings were This Big! |
2020 brought a lot of things. It brought sadness, happiness, frustration, contentment, anger, activism, cruelty, bickering, cohesiveness, grumbling, whining and more. However, as I reflect and think back, I realize I personally have too many blessings to truly grumble or whine about anything. I really don't like myself when I grumble and whine, and believe me I have done my share of both this year. As I look forward to 2021 and beyond, I have decided to try and focus on all of my blessings in life. In order to help me do that, I am going to write my blessings here in my blog. This way I can read it whenever I want. My personal journal if you will. This should help me to be less whiny, and grumble less as I move forward. I recommend you do the same. We all have had more than our share of things to whine and grumble about this year, I do know that. I know some people have more than others depending on job status, health, etc. I also believe we all have at least 1 blessing to count, probably more if we really search for them. By writing them down, I believe it will help me/us to remember them easier and be more thankful in the moment. My grandma, God rest her soul, told me if you focus on the blessings you have it will help you forget some of your troubles and be more happy with life as it is. We can all use a little less trouble and a lot more happiness in our moments. Don't you agree? So, will you join me in writing down your blessings and sharing them?
My first, and most important blessing, is Connie. She is honestly one of the most sincere, caring, loving, giving, intelligent, funny, and beautiful people I know. And I mean beautiful in every sense of the word. She makes me laugh every day, and laughter makes any day better. She teaches me every day, and helps me to grow as a person. She forces me to look at things in different ways, and always honestly. If she was my only blessing, I would consider myself a very rich man indeed!
Of course I have several other blessings to count. The combination of all my blessings makes me one of the richest men in the world. I am quite possibly the richest! My extended family is a blessing in several ways, and an extension of the blessings I receive from Connie. They welcome me into their family with open arms. They make me feel important and worthy. They make me laugh. They make me feel secure, and I know if I asked any one of them for something they would bend over backwards to get it for me and/or make it happen. Or they would laugh at me, depending on the request :0). Laughter is a blessing!
Pets are a blessing. And even though both of our pets died this Fall, they were blessings for sure. Rosie would curl up on my lap, and by doing so would bring a sense of peace and serenity. She could get you through the worst of days just by being there. Coco made me laugh! I have never met a dog with a sense of aloofness about her. Yet, she was loyal and showed it. Sometimes I wondered if her aloofness was just part of her humor. Honestly, if I called her to come inside she would strut past me with her tail and head held high as she ignored me. She would also stop, and seemingly look back at me to make sure I am watching it all. Sometimes, I would have to pick her up to get her inside. Yet she would lick my face off if I let her.
My friends are a big blessing. I am quite certain I have more friends than one person deserves. Maybe more than anyone else in the world, but I don't like to count or compete when it comes to friends and friendships. We should all have as many friends as possible, so no need to compete. I just know that I have so many people in my corner, that life is just a lot easier because of them. I haven't had too many rough moments in my lifetime, that is for sure. But for every rough moment, I have had multiple friends step up to the plate to help me through. Whether it be with a warm hug (not this year of course), or a word of encouragement, or simply an open ear and a closed mouth to allow me to process my feelings.
I am blessed with a career that serves me well. I do mean serve me. I know nursing is looked upon as a career where the nurse is serving others. Rightfully so, as most nurses I know do serve others. And I do my best to serve the people that are put in my care. But, by serving them, it serves me so much more. It serves me with new friendships. I receive a sense of self worth and purpose. It gives me security for a stable future. It has opened doors to me that I never knew existed. Be it through seeing different cultures, or traveling to exotic and interesting places. It has led me down some interesting paths in life, like working with people who have disabilities. Trust me when I say, that is something I didn't even want to do. I am so grateful I did though. I have met some of my best friends in the world through my work with Easter Seals camps. Several of my friends have disabilities, and I am quite certain I would have never met them if I had not become a nurse. My life is incredibly rich thanks to these people. Again, my career serving me. In a bizarre and funny way, nursing has led me to being a clown. This has allowed me to use a unique talent to help others. I still can't believe this funny talent helps others, but I know it does a good part of the time. In turn, becoming a clown has led me to several people and places in my life that I would have probably ignored other wise. Like all of my friends in Russia and other countries. I am forever grateful for those people, and the opportunities presented to me through clowning! And to think I stumbled into nursing 28 years ago without even knowing what I was getting into. Thank God I did!
Not only has my career blessed me, but my current job has as well. Working with children is the ultimate joyful work. Kids make me laugh every day and they teach me so much. Just ask Connie, as I come home a lot of times and ramble on and on about this kid or that kid. They can teach you too, if you pay close attention :0). My coworkers are some of the best people I know, and I am happy to work beside them.
I am blessed with a warm and cozy home. Yummy food to help nourish me and give me energy. (Thank you Connie!). A reliable vehicle to allow me to travel easier, and get to my job. Technology, so that I can see the faces of people who live thousands of miles away from me, or even just a few miles in these crazy times. it also allows me to stay in touch via written word, like my blog and emails (for those old school people). I am blessed with God given talents that make me and my friends laugh, or roll their eyes if appropriate. Which of course just makes me laugh even harder. I am blessed with enough clothes to keep me warm in the winter or cool in the summer. I am blessed with birds all around me that bring me joy. I get to view several creatures where I live, even ones that go bump in the night thanks to our field cam. I am blessed with nature all around me that allows me to escape into quiet peacefulness whenever I feel the need. I am blessed with neighbors who bake us brownies when our animals die. I am blessed with the knowledge of knowing there are a slew of people out in the world trying to make it better for others, many of whom are my friends.
As I look back at my blessings from this post, it gives me comfort. And I know I have other blessings that I am just not able to recall at the moment. I am sure I will recall some more as I go forward, and I will write them down for myself. I can't write them ALL here, as that would make for a ridiculously long post.
So, let's all move forward to a bright future. As we chase rainbows, unicorns, puppies, friends, waterfalls, and whatever else might make you feel happy. May you all have many blessings bestowed upon you in 2021 and beyond. May you remember those blessings during tough times to help you through. And most of all, may your lives be filled with LOVE AND LAUGHTER ALWAYS!!
Now Go Out and Hug Someone in 2021!!!
Quite possibly your best Christmas letter ever!
Well thank you! Would you like to reveal yourself? Ha Ha
Gee, I'd like to hang with the guy who wrote this. Connie, too. Maybe I'll get the chance soon.
The guy that wrote that is indeed pretty great
You two make me blush. 2 of my best blessings!
I'm blessed to be on your Christmas list, Chip, due to my amazing daughter meeting you on a trip to Russia so many years ago. I loved reading about your many blessings, and the joy you bring to all you do. Thanks for sharing and making me think about all the blessings in my life as well. Have a wonderful holiday!
Thanks Pam. You are blessed to have such an amazing daughter as well. Along with her family! Enjoy the Holidays as much as you can. With Love and Laughter, Chip
Oops didn't realize I'd posted that way - Merry Christmas, Bronwyn
Thanks Bronwyn. Merry Christmas to you and Logan.
This is a reminder of how truly lucky we've been, in a year that many of us have spent fuming and stewing. I appreciate you, Rodney. Happy Holidays.
Joel from the OR
Thanks Joel! I agree 100%. Happy Holidays to you as well.
Love this. I too chose to remember 2020 always with the theme "Give Thanks" in mind. The blessings are always there when we look for them! Thanks for sharing yours, so uplifting. I feel blessed to be counted among your truly long list of friends. :) Chelsy
Thanks Chelsy. I feel the same as you. You are one of the main reasons I became a clown. :0)
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