Garmat is the kid with the peace sign up. |
It has been 15 years since the Beslan school siege. Every kid that was in the siege has now graduated from the school. People have questioned Maria why she still goes? There are a few reasons for this. The teachers are still in the school and they are our friends. The people in town are still affected. And kids in the school today are still affected. As the story of Garmat will prove.
I met Garmat two years ago. I remember playing with him some. I even taught him some juggling in the past. This year he reminded me why Maria's visits are still so important. Nadya was giving us our annual tour through the museum at the school. There are photos on the wall of horrific scenes from the siege. As she was talking, Garmat came up to me and pointed to a photo. He said "That is my mother and brother. My sister was killed in the attack". The photo in question was his mother wailing as only a grieving mother can, as a young boy covered with soot and blood lied on a stretcher. Garmat is 12, so he was not even alive when the attacks happened, but clearly it affects him and his family to this day. Can you imagine being 12 years old and as you walk through the hallways of your school you see a photo of your mother and brother in such a horrific scene? I can't imagine the emotions that might elicit. But it is a reminder of why Maria's visits are so important! The school and the town still need them. It is a tragedy that still wounds to this day, even 15 years later.
Garmat's sister Madina. She was 12 when she was killed. |
Now go Out and Hug Someone Today!!!
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