
Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Sarmat, My Friend

Sarmat and Chip
Meet Sarmat. I just love this kid. I remembered him from last year, but I couldn't remember his name. Our story got really touching this year, as I will explain. Last year we were on a bus ride to get ice cream. I was sitting in a seat with 2 young girls who were talking to me in Russian. I tried to explain to them that I didn't understand much Russian, but that is difficult to convey to 9 year olds, ha. Meanwhile, Sarmat was sitting in a seat across the aisle from us being quiet, which is his nature. Occasionally he would look over at me and say "They are asking you if you have any brothers or sisters", and then look ahead quietly again. He did this several times on our bus trip and it fascinated me. With my experience, I knew he was probably on the spectrum of autism, most likely having Asperger's. But I don't like to label the children in that way. Either way, I remembered him.

Chip and Sarmat outside Ice Cream shop

This year he came up to me and played a little. He would try to grab my nose, like the other kids do when they play with me. Or look to see what magic trick I might do or what might come out of my pocket. This year we walked to get ice cream. He held my hand part of the way, which was very sweet. He played a bit more after we had ice cream, and then went home with his grandma. As he was leaving his grandma wanted a photo of us, so we obliged. She told him to smile, but that is not a natural thing for him to do. He did pose for the photo though.

Now here is where the story gets good... Later that evening I was at Maria's house in Beslan eating dinner. One of the teachers asked me if I saw the post on WhatsApp. I said "no". So she pulled out her phone and showed me. Of course it was in Russian, but luckily I was sitting next to my new friend Hannes who was bilingual. In fact he speaks 9 languages I think? But that is another story. Anyway, Hannes read the story to me interpreting it in English. The basic of the post was Sarmat's mom posted our photo from the ice cream shop and said "Sarmat came home today and told me the clown was his friend. I don't know who the clown is, but it is absolutely rare for him to call someone his friend. I want to thank this clown". That is the best I can remember it anyway. I cried as Hannes read this, because I know how hard it is for a child with autism to make friends. I felt like we had connected, but now I know we connected!

The story gets even better... I am a little hazy with the details, but on the post there was another photo of me. I am not sure if someone else posted it to the link? Or Sarmat's mom found it? Anyway, it was a photo of me from summer camp 2007. This is the summer I connected and fell in love with the children of Beslan. Especially the ones in my family group. In the photo I am sitting on bench in the sun smiling. Coincidentally it is the same photo hanging in the school's museum. What I didn't notice before was, there is a young lady sitting behind me leaning over and smiling into the camera (photo  bomb of sorts). This young lady was Leeza, one of the girls in my family group. The caption to the photo read "Leeza is Sarmat's sister". I was blown away! Leeza and Sarmat are 11 years apart, so I never imagined he was a brother of someone I knew. Let alone a girl I was very fond of since 2007. It was absolutely incredible to me.

On Saturday, Leeza brought Sarmat to the school for the concert we put on every year. They came into the head teacher's office where I was sitting before the concert. We chatted a little and Sarmat and I played a little in our own world. I brought out noses of course and helped Sarmat put one on. I gave one to Leeza and we took photos. The sequence of the photos still amazes me. The first photo is the one at top. Sarmat and I posing naturally for a selfie. The next two photos will show a progression of incredibleness. The first photo Sarmat kinda smiles while Leeza and I are laughing. The last photo shows Sarmat with a clown nose on, clearly smiling! See for yourself.

Leeza, Sarmat, and Me

Sarmat clearly smiling with a clown nose on.
Bless my soul these photos touch my heart... But this next photo touches my heart much much more! I was at the concert, watching and taking photos as I always do. When I looked over to the opposite side of the room, I saw Sarmat in the audience watching the show... with his clown nose still on!! No influence from me, just him being "naturally" a clown. Oh how I would love to know what he thinks about. It is not a great photo, but just the same I love it.

You can see Sarmat in the lower right hand corner with a nose on. 
After the show, Sarmat hung around to greet me one last time. We played a little and I met his brother Azam. Azam looked to be about 19 or so. I had never met him. He seems like a fine young man though, and clearly enchanted with his brother, as I am. As we said our goodbyes, Sarmat reached his arms up and gave me a hug! My heart and soul melted right there and then. I can not wait to see him next year! Thank You Sarmat, My Friend.

Now Go Out and Hug a Child Today!!!


  1. Got my Daly hug. Thanks. 😘

  2. You’re a Saint Rodney. Thanks for sharing.

    1. You are welcome Ed. Clown, yes. Saint, not really :0). But I appreciate the sentiment

  3. I love how his shirt is multi-colored like yours. Even has a pocket in the same place. I bet next year you'll get off the plane and a little Chipski will be running around with his clown nose and hat!

    1. Oh my Gosh. You are right. I didn't even notice that! I love it even more now!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thanks for your comment April. It says you removed your comment?

  5. What a beautiful story, Chip.Thanks for sharing it with me.

  6. This made me cry happy tears. I miss Beslan so much, your story helps take me back there :))) And I can't believe Sarmat is Leeza's brother, what a plot twist!! Love you brother!!!

    1. Made me cry too :0).. Unbelievable to me still. Love you back.

  7. Love to you. Share it. Oh always do.

  8. Simply beautiful, Chipski! Your connection skills are amazing. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks Zhorik! Always happy to share my good stories :0)

  9. Such a neat story, thanks for sharing!!
