
Sunday, June 23, 2024

"Imagine" A Different Perspective


This is a different perspective

My friend Pluk sent me a video recently. It was a one-minute video of clowns playing with refugees, hospital patients, and nursing home residents. It is set to the tune of "Imagine" by John Lennon. You can watch it here. 

                                                           Video - Google Photos

Well, it got me to thinking... what if we all looked at the world with a different perspective. Imagine, if you will, that you had to live like a refugee. No, I am not referring to the Tom Petty song. I mean live like an actual refugee. If you lived like a refugee, would your perspective on life be different? I imagine it would be. I am sure my perspective would be very different. If that was your life circumstance, what would change your perspective on things? Would a group of people, coming to visit you, ease your burdens and change your perspective on life? On people? On the world? I believe it would, and I have amazing friends who do just that. They travel to war torn countries and spread love and laughter to the refugees. This is clearly not a cure for their lives, but it does give them a much-needed boost to keep fighting for their rights!  

My friend Guillaume with a refugee child. On the cover of his book "One Smile at a Time" 

Guillaume does as much or more than any other humanitarian clown I know. He travels the world to places few others want to go. He does this in order to bring a little joy, love, laughter and smiles to people who desperately need it! He has a different perspective on life for sure! And he tries to educate people on the things he has witnessed. He has educated me on plenty, and I still have a lot to learn. 

My friend Pluk travels to bring joy to refugees around the world. She also brings joy to local people in her country of Holland. 

Pluk is an inspiration to me and everyone she meets. She is the one who sent me the video from the beginning. She has traveled to Russia/Beslan many times and we know a lot of the same people. They all love her and look forward to seeing her, like an old friend. She has also traveled to Morocco, Georgia, Armenia and several other countries. All for the sake of bringing joy to people who desperately need it. I believe the people who meet her get a change of perspective, and in the best possible way! Her perspective on life is pure. I try to emulate that as much as I can. 

Imagine if you had to use a wheelchair to get around. I think your perspective would be different for sure. Just like the young man in the photo above with Pluk. I have many friends who need to use wheelchairs, and each one has a different perspective on life. Some of them wonder...  What the world thinks of them. How can they get along better and do more in their life. Why did this happen to them. When someone like Pluk visits them, makes them laugh, and showers them with love... then their thoughts change. They start to realize they can do way more than they ever imagined. There are kind and generous people out there who will help them. AND, I believe they realize it is OK to ask for help. We all need help, not just people who have to use wheelchairs. That is my perspective anyway.

In the song "Imagine", John imagines there are no countries. I must say I have a different perspective on that. I like it that we have so many countries, cultures, and kinds of humans. That is what makes life interesting and fun. The key is to enjoy each country from an open perspective and learn from the people of other countries. Try new things, explore, and enjoy the fun of the differences of each person you meet! That is my humble opinion on the matter. 

I also feel that imagining life from a different perspective helps us to deal with our own problems, inadequacies, and so on. It makes us more empathetic towards others, and that is so important! I feel it is more important now than it ever has been in human history. Do you agree? Have I changed your perspective on perspectives? I sure hope so. Let me know, as I would love to know your thoughts! For those of you who can't comment on my blog due to technical difficulties (AKA, my own inadequacy on setting my blog up properly), then email me, call me, or text. 


    Now Go Out and Hug Someone Today!!!

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