
Friday, August 14, 2020

My Fabulous Step Daughter


Katie and Louie
Katie and Louie

Meet my fabulous Step Daughter Katie! I can't even begin to express how proud I am of this young lady. She is finishing up an English degree during the pandemic while working full time as a manager of a fun, healthy restaurant. She is a super "mom" to her dog Louie. A recent story, which I will share soon, has put my pride over the top! 

It is a crazy world we live in right now. Some people take the crazy to a whole new level. I understand some of the frustrations people feel right now. I mean, I have to wear a mask AND a shield 12 hours a day at work. It is not fun, I get it! However, what I don't understand is why we have to hurt others to express our frustrations. I have read a few stories recently about people being injured while asking others to put on a mask. In some cases it is the policy of the business someone has decided to go to. In other cases it is an actual mandate by law. I feel if we could just mandate it for all states, we would truly be UNITED again. 

The recent story about Katie makes me nervous, yet so proud! The pride out weighs the nerves for sure! Of course I would rather nobody ever getting hurt. However,  I would rather have someone get hurt for doing the right thing, than someone else being hurt because nobody stood up for them. Katie is a stand up woman for sure! And in this story, nobody got hurt. Thank Goodness! 

Katie was at her gym recently waiting to check in. There is a screening process at the door. The young lady who was doing the screening asked a customer to put on her mask before allowing her to enter. The woman apparently freaked out and started yelling at this 22 year old worker. CRAZY!

This is where Katie stepped in. Katie stepped up and told this lady on no uncertain terms that she was not allowed to yell at this worker. In Katie's words she said "Whoa, whoa, whoa. She doesn't make the laws, she's just doing her job. You don't get to talk to her like that. Go put your mask on." The lady said "Fine. I will go get my mask.". 

The 22 year old thanked Katie and told her she could go in now. Katie stepped up again and said "Oh no, I am not leaving you here alone. I will stay here until the crazy lady is gone.". Needless to say, Katie is everybody's new favorite person at the gym! :0)

In her funny, humble way she deflected praise. She told her mom "I was just helping the kid out". Let me remind you, Katie is only 23 herself! Ha. Oh that kid! Or can I even call her a kid anymore? She is more grown up than I am! One thing is for sure, I do love her and am so proud of her!

Now Go Out and Hug Someone!!! 
But please wear a mask and wash your hands appropriately!!!


  1. Ahhh a person of integrity...give thanks for that!!

  2. Thanks Chip! You are loved and appreciated Katie! -Jeff

  3. She was definitely brought up right! Great job Katie! 😀
    Air hugs are acceptable with safe distancing 🤡 So go out and air hug someone today 💜

    1. She sure was. She has a great mom and dad. And a not too shabby step dad :0). Love you!

  4. Great young lady for sure. So, I didn't know you got married! Mazel tov for all of you! By the way, upstate NY is great too. Except winters. I don't like cold or snow. Though snow looks beautiful right after it's come, but hard to maneuver in it. So, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Love ya Rodney!

    1. As great as they come Linda! Not married. We just have that kind of relationship! The love and respect and emotions are the same as it would be if I was married to her mom. Love to you my friend.

  5. It's really heartwarming to see how the pandemic has empowered women to assert themselves and stand up for what is right. Katie took it a big step further by staying around for the worker.
    (((Katie))) (((Chip)))

    1. I absolutely agree Dave! Katie will be happy to know you approve :0). Stay safe and well my friend

  6. Kudos to Katie! That's quite a story.
    Love to you an your family, Chip. Great to hear from you.

    1. Thanks Lucy! I love a good story. Even better when it is family doing great things! Much love to you and Joel.

  7. Yes she is amazing. But I already knew that. 🤗

    1. I know you did. Still good to remind people. 😊

  8. Thanks for sharing Chip I applaud Katie's actions Most other people would have just gone on with their working out, with out stopping to defend that young lady who was just doing her job!

    1. Happy you enjoyed the story David. I agree 100 percent. We should all be so cognizant.

  9. This is a great story!!! Thanks for sharing! It's the sort of story we all need to hear more of!! Nice job Katie!!

    1. Hey Eileen. You are welcome, and I agree. I hope all is well

  10. Katie you are an amazing young woman. We all can learn something from you...integrity, strength, empathy, compassion, and so much more!! We need more people to share great stories like this one Chip! P.S. YOU ARE an amazing step dad !! Katie is blessed with wonderful people in her life. We all need to continue to spread love and joy. Thank you Chip (and all our wonderful essential workers), we appreciate and love you all.
