
Monday, April 24, 2017

Here and Now

Image result for here and now quotes

I have just returned from my "annual" trip to Russia, more specifically Beslan. I try to go to Russia once a year and play with my friend Maria and her organization Maria's Children. 6 out of the last 7 years I have traveled to Moscow (Maria's Base) and together as a group we travel to Beslan for a week of Teaching, Fun, Play, Painting, and Friendship. If you don't know the story of Beslan, you can google "Beslan Siege 2004" and get a plethora of info. Some of it is inaccurate and guesswork on what happened and why, but the basic story is real and tragic.

On this year's trip I learned the phrase Here and Now. Apparently it was a common response from one of the clowns on Patch's trip this past November. I love the sentiment of this phrase and am going to adopt it as much as I possibly can into everyday life. I recommend you use it also, as it fits into your life and day.

The basic idea of the phrase is whenever asked "where are we?" the answer is always HERE and whenever asked "What time is it?" the time is NOW! For the kids in Beslan, and most kids really, that is all they need and want to know. That you are Here and your are here Now. IN THE MOMENT is mostly what kids are looking for all over the world. So live in the Here and Now.

The children love me Here and Now.
My here and now trip got rolling as I was teaching my first puppet class ever. I had a very simple idea of doing a show called "Sleepy Birds" with 6 bird puppets. I figured a smaller class would work better for me. See, usually my classes in the past have typically deteriorated into chaos. Fun and playful chaos, but chaos none the less. Last year I gave up on teaching a class and just floated around playing and joining Maria in her class for a day. This year I wanted to be part of the show and teach kids again. The first day (and only day actually) of class I realized I did not have an interpreter. No problem, I figured the puppets didn't talk so we didn't need much language. I had 6 boys with me ages 10 -12. I started out by showing them what I had in mind. They mimicked  me and we had fun with it for about 30 minutes. I then wanted to get more into the heart of what the "show" would be and that is where I lost them, Ha. It was all good, as I went with the Here and Now motto and just played with them the rest of the class. I really thought the next day I would get an interpreter and the show would be easy enough to learn.

The next day Maria told me that ALL of the children in her class were asking where I was. Last year I spent a day with Maria and her class "helping" with mosaics or painting. I couldn't say no this year. When Lena asked me if I would be in the same class as the day before, I said "No class for me today, I am going with Maria". She took it in stride along with the boys in my class. They LIVE the Here and Now anyway, so they joined in with Guillaume and his class of improv. It really was best for all involved I feel. None of the boys were disappointed and had a fabulous time with my friend Guillaume, which ALL kids do! So I was  not surprised. I played with Maria's class and had so much fun living in the Here and Now.

The third and last day of classes I thought maybe I would get my class back and finish teaching. Then someone reminded me of our annual trip to have marozhna with Maria's class. Marozhna is ice cream and I can not say no to ice cream! Or to 50 plus playful kids for that matter, ha! So I went to have ice cream and my boys played with Guillaume again, all of us living in the Here and Now!

Ice cream with the kids
Marozhna!/Ice cream!
The show came around on Friday and it was a hit like it is every year. Once again, I was not in the show, but my boys were... with Guillaume. All enjoying the Here and Now of the show. I was totally happy watching them play on stage while I played in the audience with kids who also didn't get to be on stage. The week turned out perfect! All because we went with the Here and Now philosophy!

Guillaume with his class on stage. So funny!
I hope you have enjoyed today's post. I have a few stories I will be sharing in the coming weeks, so look for some more posts this week and next. Some of the stories are fun and some heart wrenching. Below is a good quote to end this blog. Thanks for reading.

Abraham Lincoln is commonly regarded as the best president in USA history. His quote below rings sound and true with todays post. Living in the Here and Now. What will your Mother's son or Father's daughter be?
“I don't know who my grandfather was; I am much more concerned to know what his grandson will be.” 
Abraham Lincoln

Now Go Out and Hug Someone Now who is with you There!!!



  1. Sounds like another fabulous trip. Here and Now, a very Buddhist-like approach to life, I love it!

  2. It sure was! I love it too. Thanks for the comment Karen
