
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

What CAN you Do?

What a stunning image eh? Well, check out the video to see the creativity used to make it! You might not believe it!

What CAN you do? what a great question with the emphasis on CAN! Below is an article and a 4 minute video shared with me by my brother Todd. It is SOOOOO worth the 4 minutes!

The man in the article is told that a lot of people wish they could do what he can do. So he asks the question "What CAN  you do?". I love that attitude. There are a lot of things that other people can do, but I can't. But there are a lot of things I can do that others can't. The point is to focus on the things YOU CAN do, and not things that others do that you can't or anything that you can't for that matter.

You all know my friend Susan. She has limitations, so there are plenty of things she can't do, but there are so many more things that she CAN do and she does them to fullest of her ABILITIES!!

Susan can't walk, but she CAN swim! 

I have said it before. We ALL have disabilities! Some are just more visible than others. AND we ALL have abilities! Some are just more visible than others. Use your ABILITIES in the best way you know how and all will be well.

I feel this is the perfect post as I hit the road on Friday to go to camp. Camp always teaches me so many things! It teaches me about my own abilities. It teaches me to never underestimate someone else's abilities. It teaches me patience... with others AND with myself. Yes, sometimes I need to have patience with myself as I get antsy to do certain things I am just not capable of. But I keep on learning. I hope you continue to learn about your own abilities and patience!

So tell ME... WHAT CAN YOU DO???

Now Go Out and Hug Someone, I know most of you CAN!!!


  1. wow, that is really really amazing...

    1. I agree! Thanks Chelsy! Can't wait to get to camp! You know how it is!!

  2. Such a wise lesson and on the moment I need it.
    Thank you for sharing.

    1. Hey Theo! So glad you can learn from this too. I sure did! Uncle Stevie says hello and is glad you are able to do some things! Focus on the CAN :0). Love, Chip

  3. Wow, incredible. So glad I took the time to watch. And I love your message about focusing on what you CAN do. Thanks for the upbeat reminder!

  4. Wow, incredible. So glad I took the time to watch. And I love your message about focusing on what you CAN do. Thanks for the upbeat reminder!

    1. Thanks for the comment Karen. I am glad you took the time too! So worth it in my opinion.
