
Thursday, March 6, 2014

PJ's Forgotten Children

My cousin just introduced me to PJ's Forgotten Children in Sandy, Utah. What a lovely organization and idea. It is a non profit, run "soul"ly by volunteers. They collect clothes, books, hygiene products and some toys throughout the year, and then at Christmas they pack and distribute 500-700 gift bags for local children in need. The children they distribute to have been effected by mental illness in one way or another. Whether their parent, or a sibling, or they deal with mental illness. They are referred to the organization by therapist who work with the kids. It is a glorious idea and one I hope to join in with in November when they start dividing things up. If you live in the Salt Lake City or Sandy areas, I recommend joining in with donations or volunteering your time and your kid's time!

Below is a photo of a poem written by a 12 year old girl who benefited from PJ's generosity and kindness! I hope you can read the words clearly. If not, let me know and I can email them to you.

Now Go Out and Hug a Child Today!!!

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