Nathan and Natalie are some of my funniest family members |
I was looking for some inspiration for this year's theme and I received it from one of my favorite artists Andy Grammer. He put out a new album called "Monster" recently. In an interview, Andy said this is the first album where anger showed up. I find that interestingly funny because the songs I have heard from it are uplifting and inspiring. One song I heard was called "Friends and Family" and it struck a chord with me, especially the following lyrics.
I've been given more than any man can reasonably expect
Tasted fame, I've tasted fortune
Undeniably I'm blessed
Other than the fame part (Thank goodness), I can relate to all of those lyrics. So, this year's review will be focused on Friends and Family. Two of my favorite topics in the world.
The year starts January 1st of course, but last year's blog post did not include our Honeymoon to Iceland. So, I will include that blog post here in case you haven't read it yet. It was quite the trip with some really cool photos if I do say so myself.
YourDalyHug: Icelandic Honeymoon
Now for 2024... The year got off to a rough start for our family. Connie got Covid after our Iceland trip. She was recovering from it when we learned that her cousin died in California. After recovering from Covid, she traveled to Northern California with her mom and sister to spend some time with her Aunt Jan, who was grieving her daughter's death.
Roman and I clowning around a bit |
The winter was low-key. It was filled with some snow, dog snuggling, and bird watching. In March my friend Roman was in Madison for work. I drove down to have dinner with him. We were able to spend a few hours together catching up. I met Roman in 2000 on my first trip to Russia. He has lived in America for around 20 years now. He has a beautiful wife and 2 kids. I am hoping I get to meet the kids someday, before they have kids perhaps :0).
We also had a fun, albeit short, visit from our friend Gail. Gail was my first clown friend ever, as we literally bumped into each other in the airport on my first clown trip to Russia in 2000! We have been friends ever since and it is a blessing to have her in my life.
Katie and Connie watch our prairie burn |
The start of our burn on the back prairie
At the end of March, we did a prescribed burn for our prairie. Burning a prairie on purpose is important and essential to its well-being. It helps to burn unwanted thatch while rejuvenating the soil to allow more native plants to grow better. I wrote a blog about it of course. If you want to read it, you can search for it on my blog or ask me to send it to you. After the burn, we planted a bunch of seeds that we had collected. The prairie looked really good this summer but still needs a little more restoration. We are working on it. We will probably burn again this year and keep planting native flowers and grasses. I am excited to see what it might look like in 2 to 3 years after we have caught up on the restoration process. Maybe some of our friends and family will come to see it too?!
The Corona around the Eclipse |
Judy and Connie are ready with their special eclipse glasses on.
There was a total eclipse of the sun on April 8th. Connie, Judy, and I took a road trip from Wisconsin to Ohio to enjoy the event with Nathan and Natalie. I am so glad we did! Connie, Judy, and I saw an eclipse in 2017 in Illinois. That was fun as well, but this eclipse was even better. Mostly because I got to see it with Natalie and Nathan! I truly think they were surprised by the spectacle of it. It was fun to be there for their reactions. Plus, the totality in Illinois was about a minute. In Ohio, it was almost 4 full minutes! That may not seem like a long time, but it was long enough to hear owls hooting, coyotes howling and the cows mooing at 4pm! I am sure they were saying "What the Hell is going on?". Spending the day in a beautiful park with 4 people I love dearly was wonderful. These 4 people are awesome, and I am blessed to call them my family. We also got to visit with some dear friends while there. I love all of my friends so much. The ones in Ohio are some of my longest-standing friends and it always brings me great joy to see them and play with their children and grandchildren.
Indigo Bunting |
May is one of the best times of year to birdwatch in Wisconsin. We get a lot of migratory birds returning like Orioles, Indigo Buntings, Red-Breasted Grosbeaks, and Hummingbirds. This year I captured one of my best Indigo Bunting photos, so I had to share it. I was on a solo hike in Parfrey's Glen. There was nobody else around, so I was able to take my time and just enjoy all of nature. The sights, the sounds, and the silence. This little guy flew by me as I was taking a moment to rest on a bench. He landed within 20 to 30 yards of me. What a treat, and luckily, I had my camera poised and ready.  |
Mitch and Sandy at House on The Rock |
The Infinity Room at House on The Rock |
In June, I finally made it around to visit House on The Rock. Judy gave us tickets to the House on the Rock for Christmas. It truly is something to see. The history of it is fascinating as well. One man had a vision of building a house on a rock in southern Wisconsin. It overlooks the Susquehanna River. Over the years it has expanded and turned into a tourist attraction. The attraction started when people would ask Alex Jordan, the owner, if they could see it. They offered to pay him money, and he gladly accepted. Now it is a large attraction where people come from far and near to see it. Alex was eccentric and a bit of a hoarder most likely. The house contains many interesting rooms including The Infinity Room, which has to be seen to be believed. He also had a carousel built inside the home. He has over 250 handmade doll houses, several circus models, and more. It is a must-see, even if you only see it once.  |
Aunt Susie |
The summer was filled with Bed and Breakfast stuff. We meet a lot of interesting people, that is for sure. Some of whom become our friends in the process. We still find time to do a little bird watching, hang out with the dogs, and enjoy nature as a whole. In August, Connie and I took a day trip to visit one of our B&B friends Susie Gromme. We refer to her as Aunt Susie, which is how she is introduced to us by her niece Lisi. Susie was married to Roy Gromme. Roy Gromme's dad was Owen Gromme. Both men were involved with the conservation movement in Wisconsin. They knew Aldo Leopold and his family personally. Owen Gromme was a fantastic artist and lover of birds. You should check out some of his artwork. Susie is a well-traveled, well-educated, funny woman who we enjoy spending time with. She told us she had a great Indian Restaurant near her home, but none of her friends would ever go with her. Well, Connie and I LOVE Indian food, so we were all in. We met her at her apartment and proceeded to drive over to the restaurant. She was not kidding; the food was delicious! We also stopped for gelato on our way back to her place, which made the evening perfect in my eyes. You know how I love my gelato. I still dream of Morano Gelato in NH. Now we need to get Katie over there for a delicious meal with our friend! She is just another part of the collection of beautiful women in my life. My friends make me undeniably blessed indeed! |
Judy, Jan, and Koda
I had a weekend off in September, so it was my turn to go visit Jan. I hadn't seen her since her daughter died. So, Judy and I took a train trip together to go visit. What a fun trip it was. We took a train from Chicago to Reno and then drove from Reno to the coast of Northern California to spend a few days near the ocean. We had so much fun laughing while playing pinochle. We also strolled around the coastal area, which offers stunning views of the Pacific Ocean. We went for a drive to see the redwoods near Jan's home. It is always spiritual for me when I get to explore nature in this way. There were only a few people around, and so many majestic trees to enjoy! I also got to partake in the world-famous vegan reuben sandwich at Jan's place of work The Peg House. It was delicious and I highly recommend it if you are ever in the town of Leggett, Ca.
A view from the back of the train. |
It was my first time taking a long train trip. This trip was 52 hours, and I really enjoyed it. Judy has done a few train trips cross country, so it was nice to have an experienced train traveler with me. The train forces you to pause and just enjoy the scenes that go by. We went through the Rocky Mountains which are always beautiful. I am really thankful I got to see Jan. She is doing as well as expected after the death of a daughter. I was able to give her a long overdue hug, while we laughed a little too. Her dog Koda is sweet as sweet can be, and I am grateful to have met him also. I also got to enjoy some alone time. One day I took a nice walk to the beach over the sand dunes. I also got to do some birdwatching along the way. This included the Wilson's Warbler, Cooper's Hawk, Bald Eagle, Black Phoebe, Anna's Hummingbird, a chestnut-backed chickadee, and more! If you have never seen The Coast of Northern California, what are you waiting for? It is a must see in my humble opinion.
The Pacific Ocean |
A nice walk over the dunes to the ocean |
I felt like I could get lost here. |
I also took a solo trip down the coast to see my friend Justin. Justin lives in Moscow. By coincidence, I learned he was going to be in Northern California on the exact same dates I was there. He was only 90 minutes south of where we were staying. I couldn't believe it. I was so excited! I drove down to the cute little coastal town of Mendocino to meet him and his friend Kevin for lunch. I can safely say that Kevin is now a friend of mine, and I hope we get to hang out more sometime in the future. We had a nice lunch and walked around the town for a few hours catching up on everything. I got to hear how Justin was doing, along with my other friends in Russia. I miss them ALL so much! They seem to be doing as well as possible considering the horrible war they are enduring at the moment. I am hopeful I will get to see them in 2025! I doubt I will be able to travel to Russia, but there is a planned clown trip to Georgia in April. I am planning on being there!
Justin and Kevin on The Coast near Mendocino |
I was so grateful to be able to see Justin and laugh a bit with him and Kevin. My list of friends keeps growing and my blessings are multiplying! Who knows what 2025 will have in store for me? Whatever it is, I am ready for it!
I got home from our train trip on Sept. 12th. That just happened to be our 1st Anniversary! Luckily, I got home in time to have a nice dinner with My Sweetheart! Spending time and laughing with her is one of the greatest joys in my life! We had dinner at Mexicali Rose, which is where we ate last year on our wedding day. It was still delicious.
A toast to us at Mexicali Rose |
In October we were able to see the Northern Lights from our front prairie! Who needs to go to Iceland to see them, when we can see them right here? I am just kidding of course. Iceland was so worth the trip for many reasons, including the Northern Lights. Anyway, we had seen the Northern Lights 3 times this year in Wisconsin, but this was the first time they danced over our front prairie! I didn't get any great photos, but I do like the one below a little. Very little, but still.
The lights are more visible in a dark setting, but they are dancing I promise. |
Also in October, I took a little time to go and explore the International Crane Foundation. We just love that place, and it is always a treat to go see the cranes and walk the trails. I really like a few of the photos I got this year, as the cranes were really active. So, I wanted to share them with you as well. Enjoy.
It looks like this Sarus Crane is laughing it up. |
This Gray-Crowned Crane is napping. |
This Brolga Crane seems to have an itch. |
As part of our prairie restoration, we have to collect seeds in the Fall to replant in the Spring after we burn. This year we invited some of our most loyal customers/friends to come for a customer appreciation weekend. We spent the weekend chatting, laughing, eating, and collecting seeds from our prairie. With the help of our friends, we collected 18 pounds of seeds! They all seemed to love it, and we hope to make it an annual event. Thanks to everyone who participated!!
Our prairie is looking good, but we can make it even better. |
Lead Plant in our prairie. We hope to get that spread more! |
Butterfly weed. This is another beautiful plant we need to spread. Monarchs love it!! |
In early November one of my cousins and her family came from Utah to stay with us. My family has some really cute kids I must say. We had a lot of fun playing and giggling. We sure hope they come back to visit again. The kids just loved running around our prairie and tromping through the woods. Of course, what kid wouldn't enjoy that? I believe kids still love just running around and playing in nature and we encourage it as much as possible.
Dorothy, Walter, Kenyon, and Florence walking the prairie. |
As Thanksgiving approaches, we are looking forward to a family gathering to enjoy a meal, games, and laughter. In early December Connie and I will be going to Arizona for a week and then over to the Rio Grande Valley in Texas for a week. It is migration time there and we hope to see a lot of beautiful birds. Hopefully, we will get to see some lifers, like the painted bunting! Wish us luck. This blog will be posted before that trip, so you will have to check back into my blog in late December or early January to read about it and see some of the photos of the birds we will see! Until then, have a safe and happy Holiday Season!
They are best friends!! |
Louie is a snuggle bug. I love it! |
Dixie is the sweetest dog ever. I love her so much!! |
To close, I would like to say that Friends and Family are indeed what makes life worthwhile. And, YES, dogs are part of the family! We love every one of our family and friends and we hope you are all doing well! We also hope to see each of you. Perhaps in 2025 even? I still believe in magic, do you? One of the songs on Andy Grammer's new album is called Magic and I want to leave you with a video of his. He sings the song Magic with a children's choir at school PS22. Enjoy!!
No Go Out and Hug Your Family and Friends Today!!!