Guillaume with a truly special child |
I have written about my friend Guillaume before. He is hands down the BEST Humanitarian Clown I personally know. And I know quite a few humanitarian clowns. All of them are great in their own way of course, but Guillaume stands out to me personally. His back story, his broad smile and big laughter, his talent to make people laugh, his talent of juggling and other "clown" skills, and his kind, sweet nature sets him apart. More than anyone else I know, he has clowned for people who have been displaced, injured, and who are just generally down trodden. His passion for it oozes from him. Not only that, he does all of his clowning free of charge. He lives frugally with donations made, and from money made with conferences/classes he host. I challenge you to find a better human on the face of this earth. I don't think it is possible to be honest.
I think he is trying to say "Call Me". |
His willingness to help anyone at any time is unparalleled. If you call him, he will talk your ear off about everybody else he knows who are amazing. He won't boast about himself so much. He will tell you about all of the children who have touched his heart and made him smile. Of course, he has made them smile as well. And now he has written a book about his stories and adventures. He highlights other clowns who have inspired him along the way, starting with Patch of course. Maria is next, and many others as well. In true Guillaume fashion, he will take no money from this book. Also, his publisher has promised to give all proceeds to Guillaume's non profit La Caravane Philanthrope. I hope I spelled that right? ha. La Caravane Philanthrope is a group of volunteer clowns who go put on shows or interact one on one with people who are sick in hospitals, or for those who may be lonely while living in nursing homes, or with refugees who have been displaced either by war or other reasons. They do incredible work, all for free. The money from the book and other donations go to support their cost of travel and lodgings, so the clowns don't have to pay for that. But I am pretty sure they receive no salary? You will have to ask Guillaume about that to be sure. Either way, the money is well spent, I do promise you that! The group is actually on their way to Tijuana, Mexico as I write this, to clown for refugees there.
Another smiling child with Guillaume |
His book is called "One Smile at a Time: Tales of a Humanitarian Clown". It was just published last month and is only available in French. As far as I can tell, it is also only available in Canada. I hope that changes soon, as it becomes popular with more demand. I will let you know if it does. But in the meantime, if you know any Canadians who would like to purchase it, it is on sale now through the website below. Or maybe you have a Canadian friend who can buy it and ship it to you? Also, Guillaume is supposed to come through Wisconsin this summer, and I will see if I can score some books for my American friends. So if all else fails, check back with me.
I mean, How can you not smile at him? And... Free HUGS!!! |
Guillaume is not shy. He will do whatever it takes to get a laugh. This includes wearing a tutu. His hugs will melt into your soul and make you feel things you never thought possible. I hope everyone in the world could receive one of his hugs, because that would really change the course of humanity!
Hugs and Juggling are not his only skills. He can also dance! |
When you can get a child, who lives in a tent with little to no possessions, dance and smile like that... you are really doing something with your life! Guillaume does it over and over and over!
One of the sweetest moments you will find. This photo is so calm, peaceful, and yet there are smiles there too. Smiles come in all shapes, forms, and "loudness". |
Oh the mischief these two must have created. |
Guillaume is not above mischief, that is for sure. But if he does, he will always do it with kindness and he will take the brunt of the joke on himself. A true Auguste Clown through and through.
One of my personal faves. This is Guillaume at Maria's Studio in Moscow with one of Maria's Children. The Russian children just LOVE HIM!! |
I have clowned with Guillaume in Moscow and Beslan. He is a master of the art, and I will never be able to express what this man means to me. He has taught me more about clowning and humanity than anyone else. I am forever in his debt, and I will shamelessly promote his work and book! So, please buy his book and support the cause! Or donate on his website.
Clown humanitaire bénévolement et à temps plein (
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I am truly humbled to be in his book. |
No Go Out and Hug a Humanitarian Today!!!