Theo and his hands free phone, Ha Ha Ha. He is funny!!! |
It is with great sadness I write this post. My dear friend Theo died on Dec. 18th. Not only was he a dear friend, but he was my absolute favorite clown in the world! And for those of you who know me, know that is saying something. I know quite a few clowns and a lot of wonderful clowns too! But Theo is my favorite because he covers all bases of a clown. His comedic timing is top notch. He can read any comic situation in a flash and feed off it. He always makes the other person with him look like the star! That is not easy, but he does it with everyone... seasoned clowns, newbies, kids and adults. On top of all that he always knows when to pull back the reigns and just BE. Give the person he is with some time, or some encouragement, or just BE there to love whoever is in his presence. That is one special talent let me tell you!
I was fortunate enough to meet Theo in Russia in 2000. We instantly became freinds, as he does with many people I am sure. We have stayed in touch over the years via email and Christmas greetings. We periodically would meet up to see each other and clown together in Russia, usually at a summer camp. One summer we were the heads of the Elephant Family! Every other Family Group had a mama and papa and one English speaking Head and one Russian speaking Head. Not us! And we loved it! Neither of us spoke Russian. We took turns being the Mama, but the truth is he made a better Mama AND a better Papa! It was non stop laughter that summer for sure.
I was also fortunate enough to meet up with Theo in his home town of Heerhugowaard, Holland! I went this past April... took me long enough! And just in time too. He was recovering from surgery for bladder cancer and doing well at the time. So well in fact that we actually got to clown in a hospital in Holland! What a real treat that was for me. To clown with Theo anywhere is a treat.. to clown with him in a hospital is a treat.... but to clown with him in a hospital in Holland where he was treated for cancer, was MAGICAL!!! There is no other word to explain it and I will treasure and hold onto that memory for a lifetime. It should get me throught the rough days ahead.
And no matter how rough it may be for me over the next weeks and months as I grieve and say goodbye to my freind... it will be even harder for his family. So keep them in your prayers please. I was also so happy I got to meet his entire family in Holland. I had met his daughter in Russia, but not his sons and wife. They are all such lovely people which did not surprise me in the least.
I want to leave you with a quote that was shared with me by a friend recently. Timing is everything eh?! This quote speaks volumes I feel and I imagine Theo would fit the bill nicely if he lived in the 17th centruy.
"The arrival of a good clown into a village does more for its health than 20 donkeys laden with drugs." Thomas Sydenham, Seventeenth-century British physician.
Now Go Out and Hug a Friend Today!!!
It is with great sadness I write this post. My dear friend Theo died on Dec. 18th. Not only was he a dear friend, but he was my absolute favorite clown in the world! And for those of you who know me, know that is saying something. I know quite a few clowns and a lot of wonderful clowns too! But Theo is my favorite because he covers all bases of a clown. His comedic timing is top notch. He can read any comic situation in a flash and feed off it. He always makes the other person with him look like the star! That is not easy, but he does it with everyone... seasoned clowns, newbies, kids and adults. On top of all that he always knows when to pull back the reigns and just BE. Give the person he is with some time, or some encouragement, or just BE there to love whoever is in his presence. That is one special talent let me tell you!
Theo and a friend at his local hospital. |
I was fortunate enough to meet Theo in Russia in 2000. We instantly became freinds, as he does with many people I am sure. We have stayed in touch over the years via email and Christmas greetings. We periodically would meet up to see each other and clown together in Russia, usually at a summer camp. One summer we were the heads of the Elephant Family! Every other Family Group had a mama and papa and one English speaking Head and one Russian speaking Head. Not us! And we loved it! Neither of us spoke Russian. We took turns being the Mama, but the truth is he made a better Mama AND a better Papa! It was non stop laughter that summer for sure.
Theo and his adorable granddaughter! Man did she love him!! |
I was also fortunate enough to meet up with Theo in his home town of Heerhugowaard, Holland! I went this past April... took me long enough! And just in time too. He was recovering from surgery for bladder cancer and doing well at the time. So well in fact that we actually got to clown in a hospital in Holland! What a real treat that was for me. To clown with Theo anywhere is a treat.. to clown with him in a hospital is a treat.... but to clown with him in a hospital in Holland where he was treated for cancer, was MAGICAL!!! There is no other word to explain it and I will treasure and hold onto that memory for a lifetime. It should get me throught the rough days ahead.
Theo and Friends gathering around the nurse's station where he was treated. That day he was the clown! |
And no matter how rough it may be for me over the next weeks and months as I grieve and say goodbye to my freind... it will be even harder for his family. So keep them in your prayers please. I was also so happy I got to meet his entire family in Holland. I had met his daughter in Russia, but not his sons and wife. They are all such lovely people which did not surprise me in the least.
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Theo being "rescued". Sadly, they could not rescue him from cancer! |
Theo and his grandson. They sure did love to play together!!! |
I want to leave you with a quote that was shared with me by a friend recently. Timing is everything eh?! This quote speaks volumes I feel and I imagine Theo would fit the bill nicely if he lived in the 17th centruy.
"The arrival of a good clown into a village does more for its health than 20 donkeys laden with drugs." Thomas Sydenham, Seventeenth-century British physician.
Theo is 6th from the left. I am on the end to the left. We said goodbye to Lake Seliger that night. Tonight I say goodbye to my dear 'ol friend! May he find rest and PEACE!!! |